To the FIPA Home Page Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, March 2004
Rockville, MD

The meeting of the IEEE FIPA standards committee
will be held on Wednesday, 14 May 2008, 11:10-12:10
(at the end of the AAMAS 2008 "Agent System Development I" track)
in Estoril, Portugal

The purpose of this FIPA meeting will be to discuss some of these needs and explore possible directions for agent standardization. It will also present what other standards groups are already accomplishing in the area of agents, such as W3C, OASIS, and OMG. Many prominent companies are already participating, such as IBM, TIBCO, BEA, H-P, and Capgemini. It is expected that this will provide an excellent opportunity for discussion, information sharing and questions.

The presentations in the agenda will introduce the work from three separate teams (over 50 people). While 10 minutes is not enough to explore each project in depth, the goal is to discuss whether or not Working Groups should be created to continue the work.
A 25-minute open discussion period is scheduled at the end of the meeting to discuss these presentations—as well as any explore possible directions for agent standardization.


  • 11:10-11:15 - Welcome, review agenda, and initial discussion

  • 11:15-11:25 - Presentation and discussion of the current and future joint FIPA/OMG agent standards work (Jim Odell)

  • 11:25-11:35 - Presentation of FIPA standard proposal: "Agent Systems Reference Model" (Evan Sultanik and Rob Lass, Drexel University) (paper)

    11:35-11:45 - Presentation of FIPA standard proposal: "An Abstract Architecture for Virtual Organizations" (Carlos Carrascosa Casamayor, GTI-IA) (paper)

  • 11:45-12:10 - Discussion and next steps

  • 12:10 Adjourn (and possible post-meeting discussions for interested attendees)

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