FIPA Nomadic Application Support
Overview Specification
Document title |
FIPA Nomadic Application Support Overview Specification |
Document number |
OC00066D |
Document source |
FIPA Nomadic Application Support |
Document status |
Obsolete |
Date of this status |
2001/08/10 |
Supersedes |
None |
Contact | |
Change history |
2000/08/04 |
Document made obsolete by FIPA00014 |
2001/08/10 |
Line numbering added |
© 2000 Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents -
Geneva, Switzerland
Notice |
Use of the technologies described in this specification may infringe patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of FIPA Members and non-members. Nothing in this specification should be construed as granting permission to use any of the technologies described. Anyone planning to make use of technology covered by the intellectual property rights of others should first obtain permission from the holder(s) of the rights. FIPA strongly encourages anyone implementing any part of this specification to determine first whether part(s) sought to be implemented are covered by the intellectual property of others, and, if so, to obtain appropriate licenses or other permission from the holder(s) of such intellectual property prior to implementation. This specification is subject to change without notice. Neither FIPA nor any of its Members accept any responsibility whatsoever for damages or liability, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this specification. |
The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) is an international organization that is dedicated to promoting the industry of intelligent agents by openly developing specifications supporting interoperability among agents and agent-based applications. This occurs through open collaboration among its member organizations, which are companies and universities that are active in the field of agents. FIPA makes the results of its activities available to all interested parties and intends to contribute its results to the appropriate formal standards bodies.
The members of FIPA are individually and collectively committed to open competition in the development of agent-based applications, services and equipment. Membership in FIPA is open to any corporation and individual firm, partnership, governmental body or international organization without restriction. In particular, members are not bound to implement or use specific agent-based standards, recommendations and FIPA specifications by virtue of their participation in FIPA.
The FIPA specifications are developed through direct involvement of the FIPA membership. The status of a specification can be either Preliminary, Experimental, Standard, Deprecated or Obsolete.More detail about the process of specification may be found in the FIPA Procedures for Technical Work. A complete overview of the FIPA specifications and their current status may be found in the FIPA List of Specifications. A list of terms and abbreviations used in the FIPA specifications may be found in the FIPA Glossary.
FIPA is a non-profit association registered in Geneva, Switzerland. As of January 2000, the 56 members of FIPA represented 17countries worldwide. Further information about FIPA as an organization, membership information, FIPA specifications and upcoming meetings may be found at
2.2 Monitoring and Controlling Quality of Service
2.3 Negotiation of Message Transport Requirements
2.3.1 Negotiation About Message Transport Protocols
2.3.2 Negotiation About Message Representation
3.1 Negotiating Message Transport Protocols
3.2 Negotiating Message Representations
3.3 Message Exchange Over a WAP Message Transport Protocol
3.3.1 Message Exchange Activation by an Agent in a Mobile Host
3.3.2 Message Exchange Termination to an Agent in a Mobile Host
4 Informative Annex A - Paramedic Scenario
4.2.1 Disconnection and Reconnection of an Message Transport Connection
4.2.2 Example Negotiation of a Message Transport Protocol
This document is part of the FIPA specifications and deals with agent middleware to support applications in nomadic environment. This specification also forms part of the FIPA Nomadic Application Support Specification and gives an overview of the Nomadic Application Support area.
The results of current developments in both wireless data communications and mobile computers are being combined to facilitate a new trend: nomadic computing. Compared to today’s traditional distributed systems, the nomadic computing environment is very different in many respects. Bandwidth, latency, delay, error rate, quality of display and other non-functional parameters may change dramatically when a nomadic end-user moves from one location to another and thus from one computing environment to another, for example, from a wireline LAN to a UMTS network. The variety of mobile workstations, handheld devices and smart phones, which allow nomadic end-users to access Internet services, is increasing rapidly. The capabilities of mobile devices range from very low performance equipment (such as PDAs) up to high performance laptop PCs. All these devices create new demands for adaptability of Internet services. For example, PDAs cannot display properly high quality images and as nomadic end-users will be charged based on the amount of data transmitted over the GPRS-UMTS network, they will have to pay for bits that are totally useless to them.
Confronted with these circumstances, the nomadic end-user would benefit from having the following functionality provided by the infrastructure: information about expected performance, agent monitoring and controlling the transfer operations, and adaptability.
The ability to automatically adjust to changes in a transparent and integrated fashion is essential for nomadicity; nomadic end-users are usually professionals in areas other than computing. Furthermore, today’s mobile computer systems are already very complex to use as productivity tools. Thus, nomadic end-users need all the support that a FIPA agent-based distributed system can deliver and adaptability to the changes in the environment of nomadic end-users is an important issue.
FIPA uses the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) [WAP99] as its wireless Message Transport Protocol (MTP - see [FIPA00076]). The WAP Forum has developed industry-wide specifications for low bandwidth wireless services (such as GSM, GPRS, etc.) and wireless devices (such as mobile telephones and personal digital assistants). The WAP specifications address the characteristics of wireless networks by adapting low bandwidth wireless services and low-end mobile devices to the special requirements of information services. The WAP specification defines a set of standard components that can be used in agent message communication, such as standard data formats and standard data communication protocols.
The adaptation of applications to various nomadic computing environments is an important area. There are several tasks that agents need to carry out during application adaptation:
1. Selection of MTP and Message Transport Connection (MTC) to be used for agent communication.
2. Selection of an ACL and content language representation to be used for agent communication.
3. Provision of support for application agents to carry out adaptation of application data, such as still images, video and audio, XML, etc. Today’s Internet application data (such as multimedia content) are designed with high performance desktop PCs and high quality displays in mind. Therefore, the application data is frequently unsuitable for nomadic computing using wireless wide-area networks and low performance mobile devices, and hence requires modification.
4. Communication between agents performing adaptation.
The FIPA Nomadic Application Support specifications define agent middleware to:
· Monitor [FIPA00062] and control [FIPA00063] an MTP and the underlying MTC, and,
· An ontology [FIPA00065] for representing the quality of service of the Message Transport Service (MTS - see [FIPA00065]) in the context of nomadic application support.
In addition, this specification gives examples of the use of the above scenarios in section 3, Scenarios.
The functions required to carry out monitoring and controlling for quality of service can be split into several specific tasks:
1. Observing the quality of service of MTPs and MTCs,
2. Measuring (if there are no other means to obtain the required information) the quality of service of an MTP and MTC,
3. Collecting information from the observing and measuring sources,
4. Analysing the information, and,
5. Controlling an MTC and selecting an MTP.
Based on this division, the agent middleware consists of the following logical agents (see Figure 1):
· A Monitor Agent (MA - see [FIPA00062]) which carries out tasks 1 through 4, and,
· A Control Agent (CA - see [FIPA00063]) which carries out task 5.
Figure 1: Reference Model of Agent Adaptation
The most appropriate configuration of an MA and a CA is that there is at least one pair in each AP involving adaptation. The MA may measure the actual quality of service of an MTC, if the network running an MTC does not provide users with required performance data[1].
An MA may:
· Consist of network-service-specific components that collect raw performance data at fixed intervals,
· Provide a repository for the measurement data collected,
· Perform first level analysis of the collected data, and,
· Send the results of the analysis to CA, if requested to do so.
A CA may:
· May manage (establish, close, suspend, activate, etc.) an MTC[2].
In some cases there is a need for MAs and CAs in heterogeneous APs to communicate with each other; therefore, interaction protocols and ontologies to achieve this are specified in this document.
There are several mechanisms that can determine the MTP, message representation and content language to use between communicating entities:
· Communicating entities know a peer entity’s preferences beforehand and use them.
· The activating entity tries to use a method and if the peer entity is not capable of using the suggested method, then the activating entity may try another one (and so on).
· The communicating entities negotiate about a method to be used.
Previous FIPA specifications have implicitly assumed that the MTC is operational all the time (meaning that the MTC has been established before the agent message exchange and that it is reliable). However, this is not always the case within a nomadic environment.
A CA can activate the selection of an MTP or an agent can propose an MTP to a CA and it is the responsibility of the CA to either accept or reject the proposal based on whether it is possible to use the proposed MTP. CAs negotiate with peer CAs to use proposed MTPs which is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Control Agents Negotiating About a Message Transport Protocol
CAs use the FIPA-Propose interaction protocol [FIPA00036] and the use action [FIPA00063] to negotiate about an MTP. An example negotiation is given in section 3.1, Negotiating Message Transport Protocols.
In the environment of nomadic applications, it may be necessary to switch from one ACL representation to another; for example, when a mobile host roams from a wireline network to a wireless network. Application agents may use the FIPA-Propose interaction protocol and the use action to negotiate about the representation of ACL. Examples of this negotiation are given in section 3.2, Negotiating Message Representation.
This example shows a scenario, where an application agent requests the use of either the WAP MTP [FIPA00076] or a proprietary MTP (for example, x.uh.mdcp). The message flow of a successful negotiation is illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Flow of Message Transport Protocol Negotiation
1. Message 1 request: An application agent issues a request to the CA to activate either the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std or x.uh.mdcp MTPs.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
(activate (sequence
:name x.uh.mdcp)
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std
:dest-addr wap://
2. Message 2 agree: The CA agrees to activate an MTP. The decision to agree or disagree to activate an MTP might be based on the internal state of the CA (that is, the CA knows whether a requested MTP can be activated or not) or the CA might ask for an AP description from an AMS (see messages 4, 5 and 6 as an example).
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
(activate (sequence
:name x.uh.mdcp)
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std
:dest-addr wap://
3. Message 3 propose: The CA in the mobile host proposes to its peer CA in the gateway host that either the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std or x.uh.mdcp MTPs should be used in communication between the APs.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From: (agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T100900000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Propose
:send (sequence
:name x.uh.mdcp)
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))
:recv (sequence
:name x.uh.mdcp)
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std)))))
4. Message 4 request, message 5 agree and message 6 inform: The CA in the gateway host requests the AP description from the local AMS (see [FIPA00023]) to determine whether the x.uh.mdcp or fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTPs are supported. The AMS informs the CA that both MTPs are supported and the CA decides to use fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP based on the current quality of service requirements of the MTC.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Agent-Management
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Agent-Management
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:addresses (sequence
:receiver (set
:addresses (sequence
:ontology FIPA-Agent-Management
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:name sonera-platform
:profile fipa.profile.mts.alpha
:mtp-name fipa.mts.mtp.iiop.std
:addresses (sequence iiop://
:profile fipa.profile.mts.beta
:mtp-name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std
:addresses (sequence wap://
:profile x.uh.profile
:mtp-name x.uh.mdcp
:addresses (set mdcp://
5. Message 7 accept-proposal: The CA in the gateway host accepts the proposal to use the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP and sends the response to the CA in the mobile host informing it about the preferred MTP.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From: (agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T100900000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Propose
:send (sequence
:name x.uh.mdcp)
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))
:recv (sequence
:name x.uh.mdcp)
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std)))))
:send (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))))
6. Messages 8 and 8’ setup: The CAs request their respective ACCs to setup the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP. This is an implementation issue.
7. Message 9 and 9’ setup-done: The ACCs inform their respective CAs that the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP has been established between the mobile host and the gateway host.
8. Message 10 inform: The CA informs the application agent that the MTC is established.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
(activate (sequence
:name x.uh.mdcp)
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std
:dest-addr wap://
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))
This example shows a scenario where an application agent in a mobile host proposes to its peer application agent in a fixed host the use of the fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std representation of ACL [FIPA00069] for their communication. The message flow is illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Flow of Message Representation Negotiation
1. Message (1) propose: The agent in the mobile host proposes the use of the fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std representation of ACL.
To: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence iiop://
From: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence wap://
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101000000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Message-Representation
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Propose
:send (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std)))))
2. Message 2 accept-proposal: The agent in the fixed host accepts the proposal.
To: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence wap://
From: (agent-identifier :name A-AgentiF@iiop://
:addresses (sequence iiop://
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101000000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Message-Representation
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Propose
:send (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))))
:send (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))
:recv (sequenc
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))))
Figure 5 refers to a reference architecture for message exchange in context of nomadic applications. Messages between the mobile host and gateway host are delivered mainly using the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP and messages between gateway host and other APs in the fixed network are delivered using the fipa.mts.mtp.iiop.std MTP (see [FIPA00075]).
Figure 5: Gateway-Based Nomadic Application Architecture
This example shows the scenario where an agent in a mobile host has a WAP address and an agent in fixed host has an IIOP address. In this example, there are three specific APs involved; one running in a mobile host, one running in a gateway host and the last one running in a host situated in a fixed network which represents the rest of the network. An example of the flow of a message exchange is illustrated in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Mobile Originated Message Exchange Over Gateway Host
1. Message 1 request, message 2 agree and message 3 inform: In order to be reachable from an AP operating in a fixed network environment, an agent in the mobile host must register with the AP running in the gateway host. Subsequently, the ACC in the gateway host AP can forward messages intended for the agent operating in the mobile host to the ACC.
To: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence wap://
From: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence wap://
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101000000
:receiver (set
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:ontology FIPA-Agent-Management
:addresses (sequence wap://
:state active))))
The AMS informs A-AgentiM that registration was completed successfully and after registration, A-AgentiM can be reached via the gateway host using, for example, the following To parameter:
To: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence iiop://
If the gateway host is not operational, then the direct WAP address (wap:// could be used.
2. Message 4 propose–1: A-AgentiM sends a propose message to A-AgentiF. In the From parameter, A-AgentM informs A-AgentiF that its primary return address is its address in the gateway host.
To: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence iiop://
From: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence iiop:// wap://
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101000000
:receiver (set
:language FIPA-SL0
(compress-data (> object-size 1kb)))
The ACC in the mobile host forwards the message to the ACC in the gateway host using fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP[5].
3. Message 5 propose–2: The ACC in the gateway host forwards the message to A-AgentiF using fipa.mts.mtp.iiop.std MTP. The ACC may change the encoding of the message.
4. Message 6 accept-proposal–1: A-AgentiF accepts A-AgentiM’s proposal by sending an accept-proposal message to A-AgentiM using its gateway host address.
To: (agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence iiop://
From: (agent-identifier :name A-AgentiF@iiop://
:addresses (sequence iiop://
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101100000
:receiver (set
:language FIPA-SL0
(compress-data (> object-size 1kb)))
5. Message 7 accept-proposal–2: The ACC in the gateway host forwards the message to the ACC in the mobile host using the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP. The ACC may change the encoding of the message.
This example shows the scenario where an agent in a fixed host activates a conversation. The message flow is illustrated in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Mobile Terminated Message Exchange Over Gateway Hosts
1. Message 1 request, message 2 agree and message 3 inform: See section 3.3.1, Message Exchange Activation by an Agent in a Mobile Host.
2. Message 4 request: A-AgentiM needs to register its services with the DF in the gateway host in order to be able to publicise its services even when the mobile host itself is disconnected from the fixed network.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From: (agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101100000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Agent-Management
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:addresses (sequence iiop:// wap://
:services (set
:name Field-Warrior
:type field-information
:ontology (set field-service)
:properties (set
:name availability
:value 24h))))
:language (set FIPA-SL0))))
3. Message 5 agree and message 6 inform: The DF in the gateway host AP informs A-AgentiM that registration was successful.
:receiver (set
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:ontology FIPA-Agent-Management
(agent-identifier :name
:addresses (sequence iiop:// wap://
(service-description (set
:name Field-Warrior
:type field-information
:ontology field-service
:properties (set
:name availability
:value 24h))))
:language (set FIPA-SL0)))))
4. Message 7 request, message 8 agree and message 9 inform: When A-AgentiM needs the Field-Warrior service, it searches the gateway host DF which informs it that A-AgentiM offers such a service (see [FIPA00023]).
5. Message 10, 11, 12 and 13: The messages used and the message flow are similar to the example in section 3.3.1, Message Exchange Activation by an Agent in a Mobile Host.
This section illustrates some of the important issues of nomadic application support, using a paramedic application as an example.
A paramedic team has several working environments:
· An emergency dispatch centre, which is covered by the hospital ATM network,
· A geographical area, which is wireless wide-area network (e.g. GPRS), and,
· One or more hospitals, which are provided with a wireless local-area network.
When in transit, the paramedic computers are attached to docking stations residing in ambulances. At the dispatch centre, the docking stations are connected to the ATM network. The paramedic application comprises the following services:
· Retrieval of a patient’s personal information, such as name, address, phone, and relatives,
· Retrieval of the patient’s medical histories,
· Support for paramedic workers, and,
· Informing the hospital receiving the patient about the patient’s current injury or illness and medical care given so far.
There are several application agents: Paramedic Support Agents (PSAs) working in the paramedic computers, Dispatching Support Agent (DSA) working at the dispatch centre system, and the Hospital First Aid Support Agent (HFASA) working at the hospital system.
The dispatch centre receives a call regarding a man who has severe chest pain; the symptom of an acute myocardial infarct. The caller identifies the man and gives his personal identification number to the dispatcher. The dispatcher alerts the paramedic team and informs the DSA about the address where the patient is located and his personal identification number. The DSA simultaneously informs the PSA about the address of the attack (and possibly some additional information about the environment of the heart attack) and queries the patient’s medical history. Since the results of the query to a local hospital are received before the paramedic unit is dispatched, the DSA (in co-operation with the PSA) begins to load the patient’s personal information and medical history into the paramedic computers. The medical history includes several items of text-based information. The transmission time to load the information via the ATM network to the paramedic computers (which are currently docked at the dispatch centre) is less than a second. Before the ambulance leaves the dispatch centre, the docking station is detached from the ATM network and is connected to the wireless wide-area network.
While the ambulance is approaching the location of the incident, the DSA receives more relevant results of the query of the medical histories such as the latest heart operation of the patient. The medical history comprises several parts of textual information and several images and the DSA begins loading the information. As the loading takes place when the ambulance is in motion, the DSA finds out that the quality of transport service is too low for loading some textual parts and any of the images of the medical history. It would take at least 40 minutes to download the images. Therefore, the DSA informs the PSA that images are not required for the paramedic unit. During downloading, the ambulance drives into a tunnel that causes the wireless link to be disconnected. After the tunnel, a CA re-establishes the connection and downloading continues.
At the scene, the ambulance is stationary and the quality of transmission service increases to a level at which the DSA is able to load the most relevant images (the ECGs) using an efficient compression method which is negotiated between the DSA and the PSA to the paramedic computer. The paramedic team detaches the computers from the docking station and carries them to the patient.
The paramedic team realises that they need the assistance of a medical expert located at the university hospital to stabilise the patient’s condition. Therefore, they attach electrodes to the patient and the PSA starts transmitting the data of measurement such as SpO2 (oxygen saturation), cardiac rhythm, ECG, end tidal CO2 and temperature to the hospital. After successfully stabilising the patient’s condition, the paramedic team moves the patient to the ambulance and sets off for the hospital. As the quality of the transport service decreases because of the motion, the PSA finds out that not all the on-going measurement data can be transmitted on-line to the hospital. Therefore, the PSA decides to transmit the most relevant data (SpO2 and cardiac rhythm). The PSA stores the rest of the data (ECG, end tidal CO2 and temperature) into a cache of the paramedic computer.
After the ambulance arrives at the hospital, the patient is transferred immediately to an operating room. Simultaneously, the paramedic team connects their paramedic computer to the wireless LAN of the hospital and the PSA transmits (in co-operation with the HFASA) all the measurement data to the hospital’s system. A surgeon retrieves and analyses the measurement data before surgery.
This example illustrates a future agent-based distributed system that offers its services at the best obtainable quality of service in a wide variety of environments. A possible agent architecture is illustrated in Figure 8 which refers to three separate APs: Dispatch, Gateway and Paracom. In addition, there are several hospital APs which are not illustrated.
Figure 8: Paramedic Scenario Architecture
The agents in the scenario are:
· MAiM, MAiG and MAiF are MAs which monitor the quality of the communication service,
· CAiM, CAiG and CAiF are CAs which manage the establishment, teardown, suspension, activation, etc. of the connection between the PAs. The MA informs application agents about the status and changes of the network services.
When the mobile host is connected either to the ATM network or to the wireless LAN, the fipa.mts.mtp.iiop.std MTP is used directly between the Paracom AP and the Dispatch AP. When the mobile host is connected to the wireless WAN, all agent message communication takes place through the gateway host. The fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP is primarily used between the Paracom AP and the Gateway AP. The fipa.mts.mtp.iiop.std MTP is used between the Gateway AP and the Dispatch AP.
The Seamless Roaming scenario describes the process, when the paramedic computer roams from the ATM network to the UMTS network. The scenario is split into following events:
· Disconnection and reconnection of MTCs,
· Negotiation of MTPs, and,
· Negotiation of message representations.
The message exchange between the agents is illustrated in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Disconnection and Reconnection of an Message Transport Connection
1. Message 1 request: The PSA starts loading data from the DSA by sending a request message. This message is application specific and thus not shown here.
2. Message 2 inform: The DSA starts sending information by first sending an inform message.
3. Messages 3 and 3’ inform: MAiM (/ MAiF) informs the PSA (/DSA) that the ATM connection has broken.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL2
:protocol FIPA-Subscribe
(= (iota ?x
:name ATM
:target-addr iiop://
:status ?x)))
4. Message 4 request: The DSA requests CAiG to open a wireless wide-area MTC and CAiG agrees.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From: (agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101100000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:name GPRS
:target-addr iiop://
5. Message 5 agree: CAiG agrees that it will try to open the GPRS connection.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From:(agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101200000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:name GPRS
:target-addr iiop://
Next CAiG establishes a GPRS MTC from the gateway host to the mobile host. This is an implementation issue.
6. Message 6 inform: After successful establishment, CAiG informs the DSA.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From:(agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101200000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
:name GPRS
:target-addr iiop://
7. Message 7 inform: MAiM informs the PSA that a new MTC has been established.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL2
:protocol FIPA-Subscribe
(= (iota ?x
:name GPRS
:target-addr wap://
:status ?x)))
8. Message 8 and 8’ cancel: The PSA (/DSA) cancels subscription notifications about the changes in the ATM MTC.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Subscribe
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL2
:protocol FIPA-Subscribe
(iota ?x
:name GPRS
:target-addr wap://
:status ?x)))))
9. Message 9 and 9’ subscribe: The DSA (/PSA) subscribes to MAiG (/MAiM) for notifications about the changes in the GPRS MTC.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL2
:protocol FIPA-Subscribe
(iota ?x
:name GPRS
:target-addr iiop://
:status ?x))))
10. Message 10 query-ref: The DSA requests current quality of service of the GPRS MTC from MAiG.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL2
:protocol FIPA-Query
(iota ?x
:name GPRS)
:throughput ?x)))
11. Message 11 inform: MAiG informs the DSA the current quality of service of the GPRS MTC.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL2
:protocol FIPA-Query
(= (iota ?x
:name GPRS)
:throughput ?x)))
:direction Outbound
:unit Kbits/s
:value 20)))
12. Messages 12, 13 and 14 inform: The DSA sends the rest of the requested information to the PSA.
When the mobile host roams from the ATM network to the GPRS network – after the reconnection – the PSA receives the information from MAiM that the Paracom AP is now connected to the GPRS MTC. The PSA reasons that the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP is better in that environment and it requests the CAiM to establish this MTP between ACCiM and ACCiG. Also, CAiM proposes the establishment of this MTP to CAiG which accepts and they command their respective ACCs to set it up. As a last action, both CAiF and CAiG modify the AP descriptions of their APs. The message flow is illustrated in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Example Negotiation of a Message Transport Protocol
1. Message 1 inform: MAiM informs the PSA that the Paracom AP is now connected to the GPRS network.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL2
:protocol FIPA-Subscribe
(= (iota ?x
:name GPRS
:target-addr wap://
:status ?x)))
2. Message 2 request and message 3 agree: The PSA requests CAiM to establish the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP between ACCiM and ACCiG.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
(activate (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std
:gw-addr wap://
3. Message 4 propose: CAiM sends a propose message to the CAiG.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From: (agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101200000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Propose
:send (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std)))))
4. Message 5 request, message 6 agree and message 7 inform: CAiG requests the local AP description to find out if the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP is supported (see [FIPA00023]).
5. Message (8) accept-proposal: CAiG accepts CAiM’s proposal to use the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From: (agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101200000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Propose
:send (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std)))))
:send (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std))))
6. Messages 9 and 9’ setup and messages 10 and 10’ setup-done: CAiM (CAiG) commands ACCiM (ACCiG) to setup the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std MTP. As this is intra-platform communication between CAiM (CAiG) and ACCiM (ACCiG), this is an implementation issue.
7. Message 11 inform: CAiM returns the result to the PSA.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Request
(activate (sequence
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std
:gw-addr wap://
:name fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std
:gw-addr wap://
8. Message 12 and 12’ set-description: CAiM (CAiG) modifies the AP description to show that the fipa.mts.mtp.wap.std is now active.
MAiM informs the PSA that the quality of the message transport connection has dropped significantly. The PSA reasons that the ACL representation needs to be changed to fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std and it proposes that to the DSA. The DSA accepts the PSA’s proposal. The message flow is illustrated in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Example Negotiation of a Message Representation
1. Message 1 inform: The MA informs the PSA that the outbound throughput has changed.
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Nomadic-Application
:language FIPA-SL2
:protocol FIPA-Subscribe
(= (iota ?x (
:name GPRS)
:unit Kbits/s
:direction Outbound
:value ?x))
:value (<
:unit Kbits/s
:direction Outbound
:value 1)))))))
2. Message 2 propose–1: Based on the new throughput value, the PSA decides to change to the message representation.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From: (agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101200000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Message-Representation
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Propose
:send (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std)))))
3. Message 3 propose–2: The ACC at the mobile host forwards the same message to the ACC at the gateway host.
4. Message 4 propose–3: The ACC at the gateway host forwards the same message to the PSA.
5. Message 5 accept-proposal–1: The PSA accepts the proposal and sends a message back to the DSA.
To: (agent-identifier :name
From: (agent-identifier :name
ACL-representation: fipa.acl.rep.string.std
Date: 20000606T101200000
:receiver (set
:ontology FIPA-Message-Representation
:language FIPA-SL0
:protocol FIPA-Propose
:send (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))))
:send (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std))
:recv (sequence
:name fipa.acl.rep.bitefficient.std)))))
6. Message 6 accept-proposal–2: The ACC at the gateway host forwards same message to the ACC at the mobile host.
7. Message 7 accept-proposal–3: The ACC at the mobile host delivers the same message to the PSA.
[FIPA00023] FIPA Agent Management Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2000.
[FIPA00036] FIPA Agent Management Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2000.
[FIPA00062] FIPA Nomadic Application Support Monitor Agent Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2000.
[FIPA00063] FIPA Nomadic Application Support Control Agent Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2000.
[FIPA00065] FIPA Nomadic Application Support Ontology Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2000.
[FIPA00069] FIPA ACL Message Representation in Bit-Efficient Encoding Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2000.
[FIPA00075] FIPA Agent Message Transport Protocol for IIOP Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2000.
[FIPA00076] FIPA Agent Message Transport Protocol for WAP Specification. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, 2000.
[WAP99] Wireless Application Protocol
Specification Version 1.2. WAP Forum, 1999.
[1] The way this actual measurement is performed is not a subject of standardisation within FIPA.
[2] The way that management actions are executed is not a subject of standardisation within FIPA.
[3] In most of the examples in this section, the :address parameters of AIDs have been omitted for clarity, except where absolutely necessary.
[4] In all of the examples in this specification, the suffix of iM in an agent's name represents a mobile host, that is, an agent that is located on a mobile AP. Similarly, the suffix iG represents a gateway host and the suffix iF represents a fixed network host.
[5] The actual way in which the is achieved in not a subject of standardisation within FIPA.