The following table shows the membership of FIPA as at 31st March 2004.
Lisboa, Portugal
Botelho Luis Miguel
Lisboa, Portugal
Trigueiros Maria José
Agent Software, Corp.
Mountain View, USA
Goode Allan
Agentis Software
Ann Arbor, USA
Odell, James
Agents Victoria
Mebourne, Australia
Padgham Lin
Agents Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
Wobcke Wayne
British Telecommunications
London, UK
O’Brien Paul
British Telecommunications
London, UK
Shepherdson John
CACI Inc. - Federal
Arlington, USA
Maria Stropky
Communication Technologies
Sendai, Japan
Suguri Hiroki
Communication Technologies
Sendai, Japan
Urushibata Eiji
France Telecom
Paris, France
Bouron Thierry
France Telecom
Paris, France
Sadek David
IAI (Intelligent Automation, Inc.)
Rockville, MD
Toplin, Marc
IAI (Intelligent Automation, Inc.)
Rockville, MD
Levy, Renato
Armonk, USA
Levine David
ICAR/CNR Sezione di Palermo
Cosenza, Italy
Cossentino Massimo
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
London, UK
Mamdani E.H.
Minutor Oy
Tampere, Finland
Koivuniemi Kari
Minutor Oy
Tampere, Finland
Paajanen Reijo
McLean, USA
Piszcz Alan
McLean, USA
Tyler John
Mitsubishi Electric
Kanagawa, Japan
Kino Shigenori
Mitsubishi Electric
Kanagawa, Japan
Masataka Kawaguchi
Nihon Unisys
Tokyo, Japan
Hoshina Tsuyoshi
Nihon Unisys
Tokyo, Japan
Kawabe Haruyuki
Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Tokyo, Japan
Kim Yeun-Bae
Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Tokyo, Japan
Murasaki Yasuhiro
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)
Tokyo, Japan
Araragi Tadashi
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Gaithersburg, MD
Feng Shaw
Profactor Productionsforschungs GmbH
Steyr, Austria
Reitbauer Alois
Profactor Productionsforschungs GmbH
Steyr, Austria
Pirker Michael
Queen Mary, University of London
London, UK
Poslad Stefan
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Milwaukee, USA
Hall Kenwood
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Milwaukee, USA
Marik Vladimir
Sandia National Laboratories
Livermore, USA
Berry Nina
Sandia National Laboratories
Livermore, USA
Pancerella Carmen
München, Germany
Berger Michael
München, Germany
Kober Rudolf
Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF)
Paris, France
Gitton Sylvain
Soluciones Globales Internet
Tres Cantos, Spain
Jesus Mariano Pascual Diaz
Soluciones Globales Internet
Tres Cantos, Spain
Sergio Gonzalo San Jose
Austin, TX
Nodine Marian
The Boeing Company
Chicago, USA
Kerstetter Michael
Tokyo, Japan
Kawamura Takahiro
Tokyo, Japan
Ohsuga Akihiko
University of Calgary
Calgary, Canada
Norrie Douglas
University of Calgary
Calgary, Canada
Ulieru Mihaela
University of Duisburg Essen
Essen, Germany
Rainer Unland
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Cranefield Stephen
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Purvis Martin
Victor Company of Japan
Yokosuka, Japan
Shoichiro Saito
Victor Company of Japan
Yolosuka, Japan
Tsuchikane Yoshiyuki
Whitestein Technologies
Zug, Switzerland
Brantschen Stefan
Whitestein Technologies
Zug, Switzerland
Walliser Marius