The First Technical Euopean FIPA IEEE Meeting will be held in Budapest, Hungary, on 13 and 14 September, 2005, just prior to the CEEMAS 2005 Conference.
Participation in the FIPA meeting is free of charge and open also to non-FIPA members.
The meeting will be held at the Normafa Hotel ( Additional details about the meeting including a detailed agenda on the various technical sessions will be available soon.
If you’d like to attend this meeting, please fill out and submit the Registration Form.
To reserve a room at one of the local hotels fill out the Hotel Reservation Form and fax back to the number on the form. Your credit card will not be charged until your arrival in Budapest. However, in case of no-show or cancellation after September 1, one night fee will be charged. Hotel reservations must be submitted by September 1, no room availability can be guaranteed after that date.