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Application Specifications Working Group

Application specifications are example application areas in which agents can be deployed. They represent ontology and service descriptions specifications for a particular domain. The main objectives of the Application Specifications Working Group (AS WG), are:
i) define a common structure for the specifications at applications level, and
ii) promote and coordinate the design and development of Application Specifications in the different fields where Agents are used.

Chair: Magí Lluch-Ariet (Barcelona Digital)
Vice Chair: TBD
(Chair email address:

The following documents are available for this WG:


To subscribe the WG mailing list, send a message to:
and on the first line of the email body (not in the subject field), include:

Subscribe  fipa-as-wg   YourFirstName YourLastName

(Note: the subscriber’s email address must be picked from your email address when you send it.)

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