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Review of FIPA Specification Study Group (ROFS SG)

The primary goal is to review the existing pool of 25 standard specifications and related critiques of these specification. It also in its remit cover the specifications that did not make it to standard level. This review, reflecting also on the context of the development of the FIPA specifications can help FIPA to decide whether or not to upgrade the FIPA

Chair: Stefan Poslad (Queen Mary, University of London)
(Chair email address:

The documents for this Study Group including the SG charter are listed below:

  • The SG charter.
  • IEEE -FIPA launch, review and discussion at AAMAS, Utrecht, July 2005: html
  • History of FIPA: overview of the main scientific ideas, how FIPA formed and how it developed these ideas: html
  • Current Review of the FIPA Specifications document (2006-09-14): pdf.
  • Presentations: Latest presentation 2006-09-13, presented at CIA 2006 Meeting
  • Poslad S. Specifying Multi-agent System Interaction. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), 2007, 2(4), article 15, 1-24.



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